Friday, May 3, 2013

Times Square

This is my favorite image i photoshopped. This is Times Square in new York City. This image got me into the district art show and everyone loved it. I got it framed and hung it in my room. Even now im impressed at this. Of couse i added two faces in here just to make it look better. The top one is a picture of me with a mirror effect. The other is my best friend anthony photoshopped with curves.

Rainbow Hawaii

This is another photoshopped image this time from Honolulu Hawaii. This is showing the world famous Waikiki Beach.The beach itself is small but its still a good beach.

Best Friend Pranked

This is a picture of my best friend Anthony at our senior prom. He hates having his picture taken so i waited outside the bathroom and caught him with this picture. Later i had some fun with photoshop using a feature called curves. Then this image showed up and i saved it. I later showed it to him and he pushed me into my pool. I kinda deserved it but it was worth it.


Im a post senior at Neshaminy High School and im taking back and white photography. Im better at digital photography so i took both classes. I use photoshop in my one class. We made andy warhol photos and random color changes. One of my pictures got me into the art show last year. im currently using old film cameras and chemicals.

Tyler State Park

This picture was taken at tyler state park in Newtown Pennsylvania. Im standing on a causeway that you can walk across. This is one view down the creek, people fish here to. I love to skip rocks here to and find freshwater clams.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hawaii Airport View

If you looked at my unknown object over Hawaii. Look in the upper right hand corner. A weird line thing. I have asked many expert photographers and they have no idea what it is. The rainbow is the reason i took this picture. Its the best rainbow picture i have ever taken.

Honolulu View

Last year me and my family went to Hawaii on a 2 week cruise. This is a view of Waikiki beach and Honolulu from Diamond Head. I also had a view of the airport and Pearl Harbor.  The dark spots in the water is coral. its very hard to walk in the water since the coral is very thick.

Unknown object over Hawaii

This picture was taken at Honolulu International Airport. Well actually this is a cutout from another picture. I zoomed in on whatever this is. Its not a cloud since i took 5 pictures of the same area. If anyone can explain this it would be greatly appreciated. I will upload the picture i saw this in. 

Pirates of the Caribbean from Hawaii

in hawaii we heard Johnny Depp was in the area and they were filming Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides. At first this looks like the Black Pearl but its actually the Queen Annes Revenge, owned ny the notorious Blackbeard. We didn't stay long enough to see johnny but at least we saw the ship.